Sunday, July 22, 2012

Young folks like us.

If I told you things I did before, told you how I used to beWould you go along with someone like me?If you knew my story word for word, had all of my historyWould you go along with someone like me?
I did before and had my share, it didn't lead nowhereI would go along with someone like youIt doesn't matter what you did, who you were hanging withWe could stick around and see this night through
And we don't care about the young folksTalking 'bout the young styleAnd we don't care about the old folksTalking 'bout the old style too
And we don't care about our own faultsTalking 'bout our own styleAll we care 'bout is talkingTalking only me and you
Usually when things has gone this far people tend to disappearNo one will surprise me unless you doI can tell there's something goin' on, hours seems to disappearEveryone is leaving, I'm still with you
It doesn't matter what we do, where we are going toWe can stick around and see this night through
And we don't care about the young folksTalking 'bout the young styleAnd we don't care about the old folksTalking 'bout the old style too
And we don't care about our own faultsTalking 'bout our own styleAll we care 'bout is talkingTalking only me and you
And we don't care about the young folksTalking 'bout the young styleAnd we don't care about the old folksTalking 'bout the old style too
Talking only me and youTalking only me and you
by,The Kooks - Young Folks

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

i hate you

It wasn't your fault, it was mine for believing every word u said.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

happy friends tree

finally all of my friends have come back from their studies. I am no alone anymore.
Yes. and the Lithium song keeps looping in my head.
I'm so happy...
Cause today I've found my friends
They're in my head...
heroes for all

Thursday, June 7, 2012

and I love you so

Sure you'll love me passionately like this Klimt's painting.

and now, I miss you most.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


The sun is filling up the room
And I can hear you dreaming
Do you feel the way I do right now?
I wish we would just give up
Cause the best part is falling
Call it anything but love

And I will make sure to keep my distance
Say "I love you" when you're not listening
How long can we keep this up, up, up?

And please don't stand so close to me
I'm having trouble breathing
I'm afraid of what you'll see right now
I give you everything I am
All my broken heart beats
Until I know you understand

And I will make sure to keep my distance
Say "I love you" when you're not listening
How long can we keep this up, up, up?

And I keep waiting
For you to take me
You keep waiting
To save what we have

So I'll make sure to keep my distance
Say "I love you" when you're not listening
How long can we keep this up, up, up?

Make sure to keep my distance
Say "I love you" when you're not listening
How long til we call this love, love, love?

by Christina Perri feat Jason Mraz
I love this song!

Monday, June 4, 2012

i am falling

this is how i feel right now. when u're almost at the acme, u have to look back and eventually u fall back for certain reasons that are beyond our control. it is hard. really.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

let's do more virtues

كُنتُمْ خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ تَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَتَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ وَتُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ ۗ
Kamu (wahai umat Muhammad) adalah sebaik-baik umat yang dilahirkan bagi (faedah) umat manusia, (kerana) kamu menyuruh berbuat segala perkara yang baik dan melarang daripada segala perkara yang salah (buruk dan keji),  serta kamu pula beriman kepada Allah (dengan sebenar-benar iman).  (Surah Ali `Imran: 110)

- the above citation encourages us to do good and sedekah is one of the good things.
i do define sedekah is giving sum of money/belongings to someone in need. and by doing so, it is somehow will enhance the relationship between human. I have read some article mentioning that there is balance between by performing solat, you'll open to  make other good deeds and berinfak is one of the deeds. Not many of us could sedekah sincerely, without thinking/consider the return.And to possess such sincere thought of giving something without expecting the return is such huge bless for me. besides, my satiable soul is very kind to me as it does not require much expectations. humble food and balanced salary is somehow make me happier these days. Alhamdulillah.I am very much contented. Oh, furthermore it is Jumaat, let's recite Al-Kahfi and berinfak.
The easiest way is donating to the nearest masjid.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


it is a must for me to visit the holiest city before i get old.insya-Allah.working hard for it.
i believed that good intention deed will be guaranteed and come true.pray for me.

i wish i'm one of those people.


Found this interesting post from a blog that I read this made me smile all the way.
Janji-Janji Allah
1-”Wanita-wanita yang keji adalah untuk lelaki yang keji, dan lelaki yang keji adalah buat wanita-wanita yang keji (pula), dan wanita-wanita yang baik adalah untuk lelaki yang baik dan lelaki yang baik adalah untuk wanita-wanita yang baik (pula)”. (An Nuur : 26)
Bila ingin mendapatkan jodoh yang baik, maka perbaikilah diri. Hiduplah sesuai dengan ajaran Islam dan Sunnah Nabi-Nya. Jadilah lelaki yang soleh, jadilah wanita yang solehah. Semoga Allah memberikan hanya yang baik buat kita. Amin.
2-”Dan kahwinikanlah orang-orang yang bujang diantara kamu dan orang-orang yang layak (berkahwin) dari hamba-hamba sahayamu yang lelaki dan perempuan. Jika mereka miskin, Allah akan memberikan mereka dengan kurniaan-Nya. Dan Allah Maha Luas (Pemberian-Nya) lagi Maha Mengetahui”. (An Nur: 32)
Sebagian para pemuda ada yang merasa bingung dan bimbang ketika akan berkahwin. Salah satu sebabnya adalah kerana belum mempunyai pekerjaan. Dan yang peliknya ketika para pemuda telah mempunyai pekerjaan pun tetap ada perasaan bimbang juga. Sebahagian mereka tetap ragu dengan harta yang mereka dapatkan dari gajinya. Dalam fikiran mereka terdetik, “adakah cukup untuk berkeluarga dengan gaji sekian?”
Ayat tersebut merupakan jawapan buat mereka yang masih ragu untuk melangkah ke alam pernikahan kerana alasan ekonomi. Yang perlu ditekankan kepada para pemuda dalam masalah ini adalah kesanggupan untuk memberi nafkah, dan terus bekerja mencari nafkah memenuhi tuntutan berkeluarga. Bukan besarnya wang ringgit yang perlu dibimbangkan.
Kelak, Allah akan menolong mereka yang berkahwin. Allah Maha Adil, bila tanggung jawab para pemuda bertambah – dengan kewajiban menafkahi isteri-isteri dan anak-anaknya – maka Allah akan memberikan rezeki yang lebih. Tidakkah kita lihat kenyataan di dalam masyarakat, kebanyakan mereka yang bermula dengan kemiskinan, tidak mempunyai apa-apa ketika menikah, kemudian Allah memberinya rezeki yang melimpah-ruah dan
mencukupkan segala kekurangannya?
3-” Ada tiga golongan manusia yang berhak Allah tolong mereka, iaitu seorang mujahid fi sabilillah, seorang hamba yang menebus dirinya supaya merdeka dan seorang yang bernikah kerana ingin memelihara kehormatannya”. (HR. Ahmad 2: 251, Nasaei, Tirmidzi, Ibnu Majah hadis no. 2518, dan Hakim 2: 160)
Bagi siapa saja yang bernikah dengan niat menjaga kesucian dirinya, maka berhak mendapatkan pertolongan dari Allah berdasarkan penegasan Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam dalam hadis ini. Dan pertolongan Allah itu pasti datang..
4-”Dan diantara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah Dia menciptakan untukmu isteri-isteri dari jenismu sendiri, supaya kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepadanya, dan dijadikan-Nya di antaramu rasa kasih dan sayang. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda bagi kaum yang berfikir” (Ar Rum : 21)
5-”Dan Tuhanmu berfirman : ‘Berdoalah kepada-Ku, nescaya akan Kuperkenankan bagimu. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang memalingkan diri dari menyembah-Ku akan masuk neraka Jahanam dalam keadaan hina dina’ “. (Al Mu’min : 60)
Ini juga janji Allah ‘Azza wa Jalla, bila kita berdoa kepada Allah nescaya akan diperkenankan-Nya. Termasuk di dalamnya ketika kita berdoa memohon diberikan pasangan hidup yang agamanya baik, cantik, taat dan sbgnya. Dalam berdoa perhatikan adab dan sebab terkabulnya doa. Diantaranya adalah ikhlas, bersungguh-sungguh, merendahkan diri, mengadap kiblat, mengangkat kedua tangan, dll.
Perhatikan juga waktu-waktu yang mustajab dalam berdoa. Di antaranya adalah berdoa pada waktu sepertiga malam yang terakhir dimana para malaikat turun dari langit dunia bersama-sama mengaminkan , pada waktu antara azan dan iqamah, pada waktu turun hujan, dll.
Perhatikan juga penghalang terkabulnya doa. Di antaranya adalah makan dan minum dari yang haram, juga makan, minum dari usaha dan sumber yang haram, melakukan apa yang diharamkan Allah, dll.
Manfaat lain dari berdoa bererti kita meyakini kekuasaan Allah, mengakui bahwa Allah itu tempat meminta, mengakui bahwa Allah Maha Kaya, mengakui bahwa Allah Maha Mendengar, dll.
Sebahagian orang ketika jodohnya tidak sampai-sampai maka mereka pergi ke dukun-dukun dan bomoh berharap agar jodohnya lancar. Sebahagian orang ada juga yang menggunakan guna-guna dan sihir. Cara-cara seperti ini jelas dilarang oleh Islam. Perhatikan hadis-hadis berikut yang merupakan peringatan keras dari Rasulullah Sollallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam:
“Barang siapa yang mendatangi peramal nasib / dukun, lalu ia menanyakan sesuatu kepadanya, maka tidak diterima solatnya selama empat puluh malam”. (Hadis sahih riwayat Muslim (7/37) dan Ahmad)
Telah bersabda Rasulullah sollallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, “Maka janganlah kamu mendatangi peramal-peramal nasib itu.” (Sahih riwayat Muslim juz 7 hal. 35).
Telah bersabda Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, “Sesungguhnya jampi-jampi (mantera) dan guna-guna (sihir) itu adalah (hukumnya) syirik.”
(Hadis sahih riwayat Abu Daud (no. 3883), Ibnu Majah (no. 3530), Ahmad dan Hakim).
6-“Mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan sabar dan solat”. (Al Baqarah : 153)
Mintalah tolong kepada Allah dengan sabar dan solat. Tentunya agar datang pertolongan Allah, maka kita juga harus bersabar sesuai dengan Sunnah Nabi Sollallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. Juga harus solat sesuai Sunnahnya dan terbebas dari bid’ah-bid’ah.
7-“Kerana sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan, sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan”. (Alam Nasyrah : 5 – 6)
Ini juga janji Allah. Mungkin terasa bagi kita jodoh yang dinanti tidak kunjung tiba. Segalanya terasa sulit. Tetapi kita harus tetap berbaik sangka kepada Allah dan yakinlah bahwa sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan. Allah sendiri yang menegaskan dua kali dalam Surah An- Nasyrah.
8-“Hai orang-orang yang beriman jika kamu menolong (agama) Allah, nescaya Dia akan menolongmu dan meneguhkan kedudukanmu”.(Muhammad : 7)
Supaya Allah Tabaraka wa Ta’ala menolong kita, maka kita tolong agama Allah. Baik dengan berinfak di jalan-Nya, membantu penyebaran dakwah Islam dengan penyebaran buletin atau buku-buku Islam, membantu penyelenggaraan pengajian, dll. Dengan itu semoga Allah menolong kita.
9-“Sesungguhnya Allah pasti menolong orang yang menolong (agama)-Nya.Sesungguhnya Allah benar-benar Maha Kuat lagi Maha Perkasa”. (Al Hajj : 40)
10-”Ingatlah, sesungguhnya pertolongan Allah itu amat dekat”. (Al Baqarah : 214)
Itulah janji Allah. Dan Allah tidak akan menyalahi janjinya. Kalaupun Allah tidak / belum mengabulkan doa kita, tentu ada hikmah dan kasih sayang Allah yang lebih besar buat kita. Kita harus berbaik sangka kepada Allah. Inilah keyakinan yang harus ada pada setiap muslim dan

Monday, May 21, 2012

how to mend a broken heart

1. Listen to hatelove song. Lili Allen's Smile helps a lot.Watch the vid.
2. Burn everything that reminds him. DO NOT REMINISCE.
3. Eat sweet stuff. Like seriously, they motivate you to be happier out of reasons.
4. Get busy like bees. Occupy yourself with something stupid/clever..doesnt matter.
5. Write a song about the endurance. You'll laugh when you read it in next 15 years.
6. Move out from the town. Avoidance is better than cure. 
7. Curse him like hell. At times, it is healing.
8. Last, just cry.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

it is snowing down here

heee.i have always love winter.and gladly, winter wonderland is going to be one of my expected futures.
Looking forward to it and cant believe it that my dream has come true.Alhamdulillah.
I'm so happy. Yeay!I've lost some and I'm gaining more virtues.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

back in here.

its' been almost a week i was away from my workplace.KL,i miss u now.I miss my beloved Kakyuz, Hudd, Rayyan, Che Kerel, Kak Rozie, Uj, Mama, Ayah, Fifi and Ermo. I miss them all. I miss my friends too.Nuha and Soraya, u have no ideas how much appreciated I felt when you guys came down to celebrate me. I love you.Oh, besides attending my own convocation, i was also appointed as maid of honour for bestfriend-since-school. Congrats Nadiah, i'll pray for your happiness. duty as maid of honour was totally overrated. haha.Ill post the photo soon.


i have graduated.yeay!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

heeee bestnya balik kl

i'm happy and contented cause i'm about to board my flight.HAHAHAHAHA.seronok gila.
finally,I'm heading back to KL. I miss your pollution, I miss the crowd, I miss the traffic jam.HAHAHA.
I miss you, Kuala Lumpur.and obviously I miss you...

terseliuh hati saya juga

it cant be seen
it can be felt
the hurt that you've brought
it cant be measured
it can be made
the pain that you've caused
it cant be shared
it can be left
my little heart,the only heart that you once loved and cherished.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

this is is absurd

i've sprained my ankle last two night during sleep.funny but absurd eh?Shiba and I was planning to jog yesterday and with the full spirit, i woke up early to wake Shiba up so that we can jog..but I could not move my left feet. It hurt. Seriously hurting like burning fire. Stricken.Puzzled.How could I hurt my feet during sleep?
Kelaka.But it happened. I ended up bandaging my feet and today, it worsened from climbing up those staircases to heaven. Damn you staircases!

Monday, April 30, 2012


tepu sama manusia
tepu sama kejadian
tepu sama emosi
tepu sama cinta
tepu sama cuaca
tepu sama permasalahan
tepu sama kata-kata
tepu sama kecacatan
tepu sama warna
tepu sama semuanya
aku tepu dengan dunia
fahamkan bila aku kata aku tepu dengan kau.terutamanya.
serius aku tepu.
tak dapat lagi nak faham kau
tak mampu lagi nak terima kau
tak boleh lagi nak hadap kau
semua jadi tepu sebab kau.
sebab kau course outline.
sbb kau.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

don't die on me,torrent

Currently,I'm into this download thingy.I have downloaded few movies through torrent. haha.yes!torrent gave me happiness.hurrah!I couldn't stop smiling for torrent has completed me.but today, when I open up my torrent, the connection for the bandwidth wtv technical errors occurred and I can't download movies anymore.
right now, I am so devastated.feeling unhappy and empty again.Ala.


staircases to heaven

Everyday, my colleague, Shiba and I will climb up the staircases that are so not proportionate and tiring. Very tiring rasa nak pengsan. and we have tried few methods to reduce our exhaustion.

i) hold our breath while climbing up the staircases and sip another few breath at the mezzanine floor.
ii) hold your tongue while climbing up the staircases too. dont talk.
iii) laughing is hazard while climbing the staircase and can lead to death.seriously. I've felt it. almost died of exhaustion.
iv) try to think of something else rather than thinking the tiredness. sometime, i'll think of the food that we're going to have for breakfast. it didnt help much,really.
v) hopeful for elevator/lift/escalator will be built at our faculty.

To conclude, we hate staircases.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


everyday,I wake up at 6.01 (this is real) and I will sit,wait for azaan and walk to the bathroom unsteadily and take my wudhu and pray.and.I'll play my phone games.bejewelled deluxe.haha.and then I'll wait till 7 and ill bathe.and 740,I'll heat up the car and drive to work.and i got back from work around 7, and Ill wait for maghrib and pray and do some mengaji and wait till Isya' and then, Ill check my wardrobe for tomorrow.Next,I'll read my bedtime story book, right now I'm into religious book.and then, I'll sleep. And the next day, the cycle starts again.God. Am I that old?My life is very monotonous, uniformed, colourless and dull.I don't rock anymore.I don't do younger stuff anymore.seriously, is this how 60 all about?I'm neither depressed nor contented.I'm just plain and empty.
I can't feel a thing. Boredom creates a nonfluctuating me.Am I dying?

p/s:mom said, that's a sign to get married.dang!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

conversation with mama

as i am so farawaaaaaaaaaay from home,sometimes mum will call me.rindu lah kot.

mum:what are u doing?
mum:guess what.i cook your favorite food today.
mum:hati goreng kunyit.terliur x? hana yazmeen and i dont eat hati.
mum:eh hana lah.mama ingat fifi.haha.sorry.okay bye.
me:what tha?

the moral is,to mama,i love u but this is not the first time u forget that I DESPISE INTERNAL ORGANS.

lecturers love early birds.

i'm teaching degree students in one local IPTAs from fundamental to final year and today, i teach design drawing. due to my imbalance hormonal change,for the first time,i snap to the latecomers, for being tardy and they didn't submit their works.
"better never than late. if u know that u're going to be late, u'd better dont show up at all." i told them.
screw is hard to teach technical drawing in 2 hours and it is harder if students start to show up by phase and i have to repeat what I have taught earlier. am i right?well,i'm not that garang usually but sometimes, they are really testing my hypertension parameter.
so,students,come early.lecturers love early birds.